5:00 AM05:00

APS March Meeting 2023, Virtual

My Student Octavia Ailsworth presented her research work “Analyzing cholesteric liquid crystals' properties and their disordered helical textures“ in the Session AA05: V: Undergrad Research I.

Octavia did a fantastic job, I am very proud of her. With her talk, she made my day, week, month, and year.

You can find the abstract for the talk here

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1:00 PM13:00

Excellence in Performance for New Faculty, College of Arts and Sciences - Lincoln University of Missouri

I was recognized by the College of Arts and Sciences at Lincoln University of Missouri with this year award on “Excellence in Performance for New Faculty.”

I am very grateful and honored by this award. I was not expecting to win anything during these trying pandemic times.

Thanks to Lincoln University, The College of Arts and Sciences, my students (my main motivation to excel) and the colleague(s) that nominated me.

Last but not least, congratulations to Dr. Manish Singh, also winner of this award.

The awards luncheon will take place on August 17, 2022.

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12:00 PM12:00

Ordering hard-sphere particle suspensions by medium crystallization: Effect of size and interaction strength

The article Ordering hard-sphere particle suspensions by medium crystallization: Effect of size and interaction strength by V. Gimenez-Pinto was published as a letter in Physical Review E.

To check out the article, click here.

It has been really hard to move research forward during these pandemic years.

Thus, I am very happy to get this manuscript out!

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to Jun 18

KITP UC Santa Barbara: The Physics of Elastic Films: From Biological Membranes to Extreme Mechanics

From May 17 to June 18, 2021, I attended the fully-online program: The Physics of Elastic Films: from Biological Membranes to Extreme Mechanics, at the Kavli Institute of Theoretical Physics (KITP) UC Santa Barbara

This KITP program was a useful research retreat filled with interesting lectures, a Slack channel for participant interaction and free time to dedicate to our projects.

I am grateful to the organizers for having me as part of this summer cohort!

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7:00 PM19:00

All about Cholesterol and its Cholesteric Friends

Please join me for the LU-MRRL virtual talk "All about Cholesterol and its Cholesteric Friends."

Commonly, when we talk about cholesterol we assign it a negative connotation. However, is cholesterol such an evil compound? Get to know the cholesterol molecule, its role within our bodies and lives, and how it has helped in the development of some mind-blowing technology advances.

Watch anytime:

Check the announcement by the MRRL here

Again thanks to Prof. Christine Boston for organizing this outreach event.

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to Nov 21

ECI - ACS Undergraduate Research Conference

Had a great time serving as a judge and listening to various presentations by undergraduate researchers at the East Central Illinois (ECI) American Chemical Society (ACS) Undergraduate Research Conference. For visiting this virtual research conference, click here.

I am happy to see these type of initiatives moving forward and enhancing undergraduate research training. Thank you to the organizers Rebecca Ulrich and Selena Hernandez!

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11:00 AM11:00

Kent State University - AMLCI - Professional Student Seminar

10:00AM - 11:00AM CET

Presented the virtual talk “Modeling hybrid soft materials: from research to living life and everything in between” as part of the Professional Student Seminar Series at the Advanced Materials and Liquid Crystal Institute, Kent State University.

I really enjoyed sharing my research and career advice tips with students. Thank you to Chathuranga Prageeth Rajapaksha for inviting me!

Professional student seminars 08-13-20.png
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5:00 PM17:00

Academia Virtual Career Panel, Columbia University

4:00PM - 5:30PM CET

Participated in an Academia Career Panel for students/postdocs at Columbia University along with Prof. Jennifer Robinson (The University of Kansas), Prof. Aditya Dutta (University of Delaware), Prof. Mariam Aly, (Columbia University) and Prof. Eugene Wu (Columbia University).

Event was chaired by Sandra Hoffberg (Columbia University), and included moderated questions as well as live questions from the audience. A big thanks to Amanda Kelly, Anna Womack and Ericka Peterson for organizing this event online!

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7:00 PM19:00

Foamy and Delicious: The Physics and Chemistry of Beer

Please join me on a Virtual Lecture part of the Lincoln University - Missouri River Regional Library Lecture Series to discuss the Science behind a Beer.

Cheers to you!…/virtual-lumrrl-lecture-series-foamy-…

Live QA via Zoom
Monday, April 20th, 2020
7:00pm - 8:30pm CET

A Special Thanks to Prof. Christine Boston for organizing this Lecture Series!

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to Mar 6

APS March Meeting Denver 2020

Despite March Meeting cancelation due to well-informed Covid-19 concerns, thousands of physicist around the world continue reaching out and sharing their research online. Among those, The DSOFT division self-organized into several informal virtual March Meeting sessions.

I had the chance to present the talk “Ordering hard-sphere particle suspensions by medium crystallization: Effect of size and interaction strength,“ at the DSOFT Virtual session on Directed/Self-Assembly.

You can also find the abstract (here) and presentation (here) as listed in the APS March Meeting Scientific Program.

A big thanks to the Soft Matter community for taking this great initiative. Particularly to Prof. Karen Daniels for taking the lead coordinating this heroic endeavor.

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4:30 PM16:30

Colloquium SUNY Geneseo Physics Department

Presented the seminar:

“Dynamic modeling of advanced hybrid soft materials: How running experiments on a computer create fantastic results and a little bit of “magic”?”

I had a wonderful time meeting everyone at SUNY Geneseo. It was a wonderful and energizing experience! Thanks to Prof. Charlie Freeman and Prof. Aaron Steinhauer for inviting me!

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to Aug 18

2018 MEchanics and Physics of STrechable Objects (MEPHiSTO) Summer School, Corsica, France

Enjoyed a wonderful scientific program from outstanding professors. Also presented the poster “Dynamic modeling of advanced hybrid soft materials,” along with students/postdocs and attendants to the 2018 MEPHisTO Summer School.

Thanks to the organizing committee for preparing such energizing program. Above all, thank you for your sponsorship! More details about this school can be found here.

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11:30 AM11:30

H. Aharoni Michi-Nakata award lecture: "Making Faces" feat V. Gimenez-Pinto and "Motorsport."

This year, colleague and collaborator Hillel Aharoni was awarded the International Liquid Crystal Society’s Early-career award Michi-Nakata. Many Congrats!!!

I am very honored and grateful to have our on-going work modelling a motorsport-shaped actuator, my name and face featured in his award lecture along with outstanding researchers as Y. Xia, S. Yang and R. Kamien.

You can find Hillel’s Michi-Nakata award lecture “Making Faces: Universal Inverse Design of Surfaces with Thin Nematic Elastomer Sheets” here. Enjoy!

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11:00 AM11:00

Seminar BNT/MNF group, University of Twente

Presented the talk "Dynamic modeling of advanced hybrid soft materials" to colleagues in the BNT/MNF team at the Mesa+ Institute for Nanotechnology, University of Twente.

Thank you again to the research group as well as Prof. Dr. Nathalie Katsonis and Prof. Dr. Tibor Kudernac for the opportunity to chat about my work and foster collaborations.

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to Jun 19

Visiting Mesa+ BNT/MNF, University of Twente, Netherlands

I had the outstanding opportunity for a research visit to the group of Prof. Dr. Nathalie Katsonis at University of Twente, Netherlands. 

This has been a very energizing experience for learning about active bio-inspired materials, moving research forwards and living for a couple of months the European lifestyle.

I do not have words to express how grateful I am to Prof. Katsonis, her group and cluster (BNT/MNF), and the University of Twente for this time here. 

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